Sunday, September 29, 2024

I Am

    How our two arms relate to each other is a wonderful, readily accessible model for how we ARE related to each other and to all of life, without deluded thoughts of difference, judgment, separation, jealousy, competition, fear, hatred. Ultimately, there really only is our natural peaceful, kind Oneness

    “one of the great sages of India, born in 1879 ... Ramana Maharshi taught that the ‘Self’ or real ‘I’ is a non-personal, all-inclusive awareness, not an experience of individuality. He said the individual egoic self was a fabrication of the mind that obscures the true experience of the real Self. He maintained that this universal Self is always present, but the self-limiting tendencies of the mind must cease for one to be consciously aware of it."

    And from her own spiritual journey, Melinda Edwards reflects on the 'Dance of Identification':
    “When our attention in daily life is placed primarily on our personality – on our ideas about who we are; on our likes, dislikes, and tendencies, on the past and the future – we mistakenly think that the personality and body are who we are and we lose our innate connection with spirit. As we open to our difficult emotions, these contractions of thought and personality begin to unwind and our deeper nature begins to reveal itself. Our contractions, discomfort, and suffering are our own personal beacons calling us back Home.
    When there are glimpses or experiences of Love or Truth, and later the identification with the individual ‘me’ and the natural suffering that accompanies identification returns, often the mind turns That which is real into something to be attained again, something that someone else has that I don’t have, something that I must try to get and keep in the future.
    The mind projects Love and Truth out ‘there,’ separate from what I am. Projecting enlightenment as ‘out there’ – on a spiritual teacher whom we may think is realized or ‘has it,’ or into the future as something to be attainedonly delays our own coming Home.”

    Melinda Edwards. “Psyche & Spirit. How a Psychiatrist Found Divinity through her Lifelong Quest for Truth and her Daughter’s Autism.” 2024.

    “The ‘I am’ is the awareness before thoughts. Dwell in your sense (direct experience) of ‘I am.’” Nisargadatta Maharaj - Adyashanti on the Teachings of Nisargadatta Maharaj

     As you watch your mind, you discover your self as the watcher. When you stand motionless, only watching, you discover your self as the light behind the watcher. The source of light is dark, unknown is the source of knowledge. That source alone is. Go back to that source and abide there.” Nisargadatta Maharaj

     “The question ‘Who am I?’ is not really meant to get an answer; the question ‘Who am I?’ is meant to dissolve the questioner.” Ramana Maharshi

     Each of us is on a spiritual journey, whether we realize it or not. Our inner and outer experiences offer us opportunities to become increasingly aware of the Love that resides within us, beyond the veil of reactions, personality, and circumstances.
our consciousness evolves, we become more attuned to the subtler dimensions of being and our interconnectedness with everything. Ultimately, individual consciousness merges with the Oneness that underpins all of existence, where there is no separation at all – no ‘me,’ no ‘you,’ no other. Oneness is the fundamental fabric of all existence, the essence of what we all Are.”
    Melinda Edwards. “Psyche & Spirit. How a Psychiatrist Found Divinity through her Lifelong Quest for Truth and her Daughter’s Autism.” 2024.

"Within us all is vastness
that stands like a massive mountain in the center of our life,
a timeless tower of strength, anchored in the formless ground. We are here to bridge the worlds of formlessness and form, planting germinating seeds of light,
of infinite value and beauty,
folding our wings into narrowing space,
seeking to remember ourselves as pristine wholeness,
as primordial oneness, differentiated here on Earth.
Can we surrender our attachments?
Can we co-create the sublime access within the divine,
the divine within the human.
Know that you are loved, even behind the walls of your fear
and vulnerability, life will both crash and polish,
so that we can shine in our full radiance as beings of light
waking from our living dream
as one being
fully alive
and present

David Lorimer
Thank you Jill & Ron


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