Saturday, November 29, 2014

Religious Orthodoxy, Creative Spirituality - the Archetypal Dilemma

      How many times has an individual enthusiastically suggested a progressive idea to an established institution only to be brushed off, or worse? Likewise, to what degree are we, as individuals, disengaged from institutions - even those to which we voluntarily belong - considering them irrelevant? Respectful communication, in both directions, clearly needs to be optimized. Constant input of energy from creative individuals is essential to keep institutions vital, relevant. Vital, relevant institutions can be healthy hatcheries for vibrant creative individuals.

     "Developing spiritual practice within an organisation can give an important foundation of understanding. As an 'apprentice' it can provide a structured, disciplined and contained environment in which to learn and practice. As we become more in touch with, listen to and trust our own inner truth as to our spiritual path, it may deviate from or become incompatible with the organization we have grown up in."

     Preece concludes: "Our spiritual journey is personal and individual. As we awaken our innate Buddha potential, it is for each of us to take responsibility for how this may be expressed creatively in the world for the welfare of others. The Bodhisattva is perhaps the perfect example of one whose determination in life is not to avoid incarnation but takes responsibility through compassion to individuate and become a vehicle for ultimate wisdom to be brought into the world."

     The archetypal duality of form & emptiness is beautifully discussed by Rob Preece in his excellent book:
       Preece R. "The Wisdom of Imperfection. The Challenge of Individuation in Buddhist Life." Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca NY, 2006.
     and summarized:


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