Tuesday, January 21, 2025

We CAN Do This!

     Although many of us are careful to make sure our homes and cars are as energy-efficient as possible, we're surprisingly unaware of how much energy we waste through useless & even harmful thinking, emotions & resultant behavior.
    You may quickly say, "Well, that's not me!"
    Okay, what proportion of your time are you peacefully open-minded, curious to explore your surroundings, happily cooperating 
& playing with others?
what proportion of your time do you feel anxious, afraid, angry or sad & alone

    Very few enjoy a fairly consistent pleasant, peaceful, kind glow about us. Cynics would quickly judge such people as being high on drugs or having some other problem. However the fact that so many of us waste so much of our precious life energy, not really living but merely surviving lost in a dark mood may be common, but far from desirable & healthy.

     One of the foremost experts in PTSD wrote: “If you feel safe & loved, your brain (is) specialized in exploration, play, & cooperation; if you are frightened & unwanted, it (is) specialized in managing feelings of fear & abandonment." Bessel Van Der Kolk. “The Body Keeps the Score. Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.” Penguin Books, 2015. http://www.johnlovas.com/search?q=kolk

    More of us have PTSD than we realize. Many more of us are depressed than we realize. Many, many more of us have an inaccurately dismal, dysfunctional self-concept / worldview than we realize. 

    This blog is dedicated to inspire readers to wake up from our current pandemic of dysfunctional cynical helplessness. Despite the world's political pendulum swinging to a cartoon-like extreme position, more & more people are waking up today. We can, and I believe that we will, with wisdom turn our massive ship around before it's too late. 

    It’s vital that we regain control of the stories we’re telling because they are shaping the future we’re creating. To do that, we have to remember our deepest inspiration, heal our pain 
& apathy, and connect to each other like never before. If we can do that, we’ve got a shot at solving the big problems we face. And if we can’t? Well, the dustbin of history has swallowed civilizations older and fancier than ours.”
    Jamie Wheal. “Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex, and Death in a World That’s Lost Its Mind.” Harper Wave, 2021.

Laura Marling "When Were You Happy? (And How Long Has That Been)"


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