Thursday, July 11, 2013

Connections, Interbeing, Oneness ...

     “When we come to perceive our interconnectedness, we come to know that fundamentally we each want and need the same things – we each want happiness and we don’t want suffering. Then we begin to see through the veil of illusion that obscures our views to the point where we wind up justifying or even passively accepting the denial of civil rights. A true awakening would have us step back and expand our awareness that all living beings are impacted by our thoughts, speech, and actions. If we can develop this awareness, we naturally come to universal love and compassion for the welfare of all ‘others.’ We might even notice someone amidst our daily routine standing a little taller and straighter, and breathing more freely.”

      “We are constantly ‘voting’ with our words, thoughts, and deeds for how the world is and shall be."

       Das LS. "The Big Questions. A Buddhist Response to Life’s Most Challenging Mysteries.” Rodale Inc, London, 2007.

     “all life is interrelated” … we are all “caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
       Martin Luther King Jr


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