"Look to the small
things: putting your shoes together, being on time. Don’t wait for the big
thing. It’s the small things, all those pieces, that make the whole. There’s no
part without the whole, and there’s no whole without the parts. Originally we
are one. But in our conditioned, gaining way of thinking, we have it separated,
and as a result we will always be dissatisfied. Life always seems to be moving
ahead of us, and we always feel as if we are losing. It’s like chasing your own
shadow – you can never catch it. So in that way life, or enlightenment, is not
sudden. It doesn’t happen suddenly out of nowhere. It’s already happening when
you do those small things.”
Kwong J. No beginning, no end. The intimate
heart of Zen. Harmony Books, NY, 2003.
“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance
and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” Martin
Luther King, Jr.
Photo: mapeters www.dpreview.com |
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